Wednesday, July 23, 2008


So guess what everyone...
yep I'm PREGNANT!Pretty crazy I know...and it's funny that I'm telling everyone this way.
Mostly only close friends and family know so far...
But now that wonderful world of bloggers know too!
I'm only 10 weeks along, and just getting over the morning sickness.
Or so I hope...
Well that's the only thing I have to say today.


Laurie's Designs said...

I am glad that you are finally able to tell people. Now I can start telling people. We are so happy for you guys and I can't wait to be an aunt again!

Kacy said...

Congrats Guys! That is so exciting. Michelle had told me the other day. I was shocked. I hope you get over all the morning sickness soon. That part stinks. I hate pregnancy but they are so worth it.