Sunday, October 26, 2008


So this past week we went to California on a family vacation this was one of my last minute decisions...It was everyone besides Garrett and Tara. We missed them a lot! I especially missed Garrett...of course! But the vacation was still fun! We went to Universal Studios, Disneyland and SeaWorld! My favorite part of all of it was Disneyland...! It was fun to be with everyone in the hot weather too! My other favorite part was being with all the characters! I'm so excited for when I can take our little kids to Disneyland! It was fun being with the kids and seeing all of their reactions to everything! I'm glad that I got to go on this vacation! Next family vacation...I want to go on a cruise!! (Hint Hint) :) 

In the first pictures it's of Curious George and I.
He was sooo cute!
Then a Dole Whip and myself! Those are the best thing in the WORLD!
(I think that was the biggest reason I went) ;)
Then Minnie and you can tell I have a belly now!
Then Mickey and I. He was in his cute Halloween costume!
Then Aladdin and I...I was embarrassed to get a picture by myself so I had Alli come with me:)
Then that's some of the family at Universal Studios in front of a Freddie Cougar Poster.

1 comment:

Kayla said...

Anj!! your belly is SOO cute! Thats cool you went on a vacation!! its nice to get away...especially when the weather is much better then home!! Cute pictures!!