Friday, May 8, 2009

It's least upon the church records "Malakai Ashton Boden"

Kai was recently blessed on May 3, 2009. I think I was more nervous than Garrett was. I wasn't even the one blessing him! I was worried he would forget his name, so before he went up...I whispered to him "Malakai Ashton Boden" he just laughed. It was a beautiful blessing.
I love hearing Garrett give blessings!
Kai was quiet during the WHOLE thing! :)
I'm so grateful for a worthy priesthood holder in my home
and for all that he does for our family!
Thank you to all who were in the circle and who came and supported this milestone in his life! We are so grateful for our family and friends that are always there for us! Thank you Teresa for having us over afterwards! WE LOVE YOU SOOOO MUCH! :)

I'm so grateful for Kai for the wonderful spirit he has. For the beautiful little boy he is. For his smiles! I love you baby Kai! :)

Here are few pictures of the event, and then some more just for fun!

Landen, Garrett, Kai & Brandon
Eric, Garrett, Kai, Garett, Allan & Bob

My two favorite guys in the world! He is such an amazing dad! 
Garrett, Kai & I.

Cute little man!

Kai & Mommy!


Anonymous said...

You are such an amazing person. I look at your blog and Lisa's and I look up to you two so much. You both have such great relationships and have centered your families around the Gospel. Thank you for sharing about your life and being the great example you are :)

Allan and Teresa Tipton said...

Oh Anj! We love you and Garrett and Kai so much. I love reading your blog.

Michelle said...

Anj you are such a wonderful mom already. i am so impressed by you and your abliities. I miss you coming over to help me. My house shows it. I also miss just talking with you. Your awesome. Keep up the good work. Garrett great blessing. It shows how much your son means to you both.