Tuesday, June 23, 2009

4 month mark!!!!...

CAN YOU BELIEVE IT? He is 4 months old today! I just can't believe how fast time goes. I know...4 months doesn't seem that old, but really it is! He is so active and happy. He is so much for to be with. I'm just soaking it all in, and grateful that I can be a stay at home mom. 
We went to his 4 month appointment today
 and the Dr. said he looked fantastic. He's tall and skinny (just like his daddy-io) 

4 Month Stats:
Weight: 13 lbs. 9 oz.
Height: 25 inches

Fun facts:
Smiles like crazzzzzy. 
Loves his feet.
Loves laughing at/with daddy!
He loves rolling over and from side to side.
He's almost mastered rolling from his back to his tummy.
Mastered tummy to back.
He likes to stand holding my hands.
Loves all his toys (especially his noisy book)
Cutest baby boy on the block. :)

I am just so in love with this little boy. I don't know what I'd do without him. 
He is so wonderful! 

Here are some recent pictures of him....


Allan and Teresa Tipton said...

He sure is growing fast! We love your little Kai too.

Michelle said...

Anj you and Garrett are doing a great job as parents. Time sure flies so cherish every second. The second and third will go even faster.